viernes, 27 de febrero de 2009

finally fri!!

Backstreet boys concert….. AWESOME!! They didn’t start playing til 12! I guess it’s Peru-time they were on. They played some new ones ( didn’t know those – who does?? ) and alllll their old ones!! Was so fun, and so funny cause all the chicas there would sing the words and say the words dif – prolly just how we talk all the time, and it was just funny to listen to. Then we were walking back, and we saw police and the the backstreet boys in a car speeding away!! Then when I got back to my apartment, I saw the car again – going like 90mph and I’m like, ‘What the heck, who needs to go that fast right now, it’s 3am!’, and then I was like, ‘OMG! That was the BackstreetBoys!!’ Pretty sure they stayed at the super elite Mariott 3 blocks from my apartment in Larcomar – a super savvy hotel with watchdogs and secret doors and such. Yeah.. I pretty much met them! And Amanda was at the same club as them on Tuesday night but they gated it off so no one else could go to that part of the club – but still super cool! Sleep is not something that I’ve gotten this week. A lot a lot of homework, then I stayed up til 230am listening to Backstreet Boys the night before the concert (idk why!!) and then awake for the concert til 330am – and always getting up cause I have to do homework in the morning, and I can’t sleep pasta 8 or 9am anyway. So I’m pretty tired today – I need to catch up! I don’t know what the day holds, but going out tonight (of course!) and the beach on Saturday (I will apply sunscreen every 15 min!!) and then out and then.. hopefully rest on Sunday, but who knows. I’m really just kind of like.. loving it here right now. I’m kind of realizing like – omg – you’re in peru molly! – and it’s awesome. There’s so much going on all the time, always something new to do and try. I’m getting used to the cat calls – my life pretty much summed up here is sweating and cat calls, how those two mix, I don’t know but they do every day! My computer is being really dumb tho, it for real took like an hour for it to start today. I was pretty sick yesterday (so maybe it wasn’t the Peruvian hotdog) and less sick today. I think there isn’t a day that goes by that one of us in the group isn’t sick – everything’s just so new and different and the air and the food, but not bad sick, just like – oh I don’t feel good but I’m still going to have an amazing day. One thing that’s sad here is the poverty. The ones that make me the saddest and that I usually give in to and give money are the women with babies on their backs begging for money. All the beggars will come to me it seems like and keep pestering me, and Kelly will usually have to say “Leave her alone, she’s not going to give you anything!” lol, they must see the weakness in my face or something. It’s a different world here and it’s amazing. Update me on how all of you are, I feel like it’s been a few days. Love and miss you!
Un beso de Peru

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